Pizza Hut's Pizza Thrower at Comic Con, for the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle exhibit

A few stats about the Pizza Hut & TMNT experience.

Here it is by the numbers:
 5,500: Number of attendees that fired pizzas from the life-size, functional Pizza Hut Pizza Thrower
 33 percent – estimated accuracy of participants
4,000 – Number of times Shredder target was hit by flying pizzas
 10 percent – Percentage of participates that hit the target on all three attempts (it was tough!)
 18,000+: slices of Pizza Hut Cheesy Bites pizzas were sampled
 800+: Number of pizza boxes were used to make the furniture featured into the Pizza Hut/TMNT experience
 August 8: Opening day of Paramount Pictures Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

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