Danny MacAskill rides again! Redbull has a cool new film of Danny doing incredible bike tricks in a demolished city ready made for all the wall riding, building climbing, etc that Danny performs flawlessly

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Villa Epecuén was a tourist village that was located in the Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Now abandoned, its ruins are found on the eastern shore of the Laguna Epecuén, about 4 miles north of the city of Carhué. Developed in the early 1920s, Epecuén was accessible from Buenos Airesby train. Tourism was well developed in as vacationers from Buenos Aires would seek the therapeutic salty waters of Lago Epecuén. At its height, the town had the capacity to accommodate 5,000 visitors.

On 10 November 1985, a storm surge caused by a rare weather pattern broke a nearby dam first, then the dike protecting the town. Rapidly made uninhabitable, the town saw the waters rise progressively, reaching up to 33 ft at its maximum. The village was never rebuilt.

At the time of the catastrophe, there were up to 280 businesses in Epecuén, including lodges, guesthouses, hotels, and businesses that 25,000 tourists visited between November and March, from the 1950s to the 1970s. The town reached a population of 1,500 inhabitants at its peak. The town now has a sole resident, Pablo Novak, who returned to his home 25 years after the flood waters receded.


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